W Plot Diagram

  1. Falling Action The Falling Action is the part of the story after the climax. It is showing that the story is coming to an end. Rising Action Falling Action 1. John Proctor is mad and tired of Abigail lying and causing a big scene in the court. Hale's Plea for Proctor to.
  2. Plot diagram is a schematic representation of the events that unfold in a story. The diagram does so with the help of a triangular or pyramid shaped drawing. When the events of a story are mapped in this way, the audience finds it easy to visualize the story’s key aspects.
  3. The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Synopsis A Dystopia in the Future Approximately seven hundred years in the future, the Earth is over-run with garbage and devoid of plant and animal life, the consequence of years of environmental degradation and thoughtless consumerism.
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The Bode plot or the Bode diagram consists of two plots −

Elements of Narrative: Plot Analysis. Plot (definition) Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. Every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another. 5 Elements of Plot: 1. Exposition This usually occurs at the beginning of a short story. Here the characters are introduced.

  • Magnitude plot
  • Phase plot

In both the plots, x-axis represents angular frequency (logarithmic scale). Whereas, yaxis represents the magnitude (linear scale) of open loop transfer function in the magnitude plot and the phase angle (linear scale) of the open loop transfer function in the phase plot.

The magnitude of the open loop transfer function in dB is -

$$M=20: log G(jomega)H(jomega) $$

W Plot Diagram

The phase angle of the open loop transfer function in degrees is -

$$phi=angle G(jomega)H(jomega)$$

W Plot Diagram Pdf

Note − The base of logarithm is 10.

Basic of Bode Plots


The following table shows the slope, magnitude and the phase angle values of the terms present in the open loop transfer function. This data is useful while drawing the Bode plots.

Type of termG(jω)H(jω)Slope(dB/dec)Magnitude (dB)Phase angle(degrees)




$20 log K$


Zero at origin



$20 log omega$


‘n’ zeros at origin


$20: n$

$20: n log omega$

$90: n$

Pole at origin



$-20 log omega$

$-90 : or : 270$

‘n’ poles at origin


$-20: n$

$-20 : n log omega$

$-90 : n : or : 270 : n$

Simple zero

$1+jomega r$


$0: for: omega < frac{1}{r}$

$20: log omega r: for : omega > frac{1}{r}$

$0 : for : omega < frac{1}{r}$

$90 : for : omega > frac{1}{r}$

Simple pole

$frac{1}{1+jomega r}$


$0: for: omega < frac{1}{r}$

$-20: log omega r: for: omega > frac{1}{r}$

$0 : for : omega < frac{1}{r}$

$-90: or : 270 : for: omega > frac{1}{r}$

Second order derivative term

$omega_n^2left ( 1-frac{omega^2}{omega_n^2}+frac{2jdeltaomega}{omega_n} right )$


$40: log: omega_n: for : omega < omega_n$

$20: log:(2deltaomega_n^2): for : omega=omega_n$

$40 : log : omega:for :omega > omega_n$

$0 : for : omega < omega_n$

$90 : for : omega = omega_n$

$180 : for : omega > omega_n$

Second order integral term

$frac{1}{omega_n^2left ( 1-frac{omega^2}{omega_n^2}+frac{2jdeltaomega}{omega_n} right )}$


$-40: log: omega_n: for : omega < omega_n$

$-20: log:(2deltaomega_n^2): for : omega=omega_n$

$-40 : log : omega:for :omega > omega_n$

$-0 : for : omega < omega_n$

$-90 : for : omega = omega_n$

$-180 : for : omega > omega_n$

Consider the open loop transfer function $G(s)H(s) = K$.

Magnitude $M = 20: log K$ dB

Phase angle $phi = 0$ degrees

W Plot Diagram

If $K = 1$, then magnitude is 0 dB.

If $K > 1$, then magnitude will be positive.

If $K < 1$, then magnitude will be negative.

The following figure shows the corresponding Bode plot.

The magnitude plot is a horizontal line, which is independent of frequency. The 0 dB line itself is the magnitude plot when the value of K is one. For the positive values of K, the horizontal line will shift $20 :log K$ dB above the 0 dB line. For the negative values of K, the horizontal line will shift $20: log K$ dB below the 0 dB line. The Zero degrees line itself is the phase plot for all the positive values of K.

Consider the open loop transfer function $G(s)H(s) = s$.

Magnitude $M = 20 log omega$ dB

Phase angle $phi = 90^0$

At $omega = 0.1$ rad/sec, the magnitude is -20 dB.

At $omega = 1$ rad/sec, the magnitude is 0 dB.

At $omega = 10$ rad/sec, the magnitude is 20 dB.


The following figure shows the corresponding Bode plot.

The magnitude plot is a line, which is having a slope of 20 dB/dec. This line started at $omega = 0.1$ rad/sec having a magnitude of -20 dB and it continues on the same slope. It is touching 0 dB line at $omega = 1$ rad/sec. In this case, the phase plot is 900 line.

Consider the open loop transfer function $G(s)H(s) = 1 + stau$.

Magnitude $M = 20: log sqrt{1 + omega^2tau^2}$ dB

Phase angle $phi = tan^{-1}omegatau$ degrees

For $ω < frac{1}{tau}$ , the magnitude is 0 dB and phase angle is 0 degrees.

For $omega > frac{1}{tau}$ , the magnitude is $20: log omegatau$ dB and phase angle is 900.

The following figure shows the corresponding Bode plot.

The magnitude plot is having magnitude of 0 dB upto $omega=frac{1}{tau}$ rad/sec. From $omega = frac{1}{tau}$ rad/sec, it is having a slope of 20 dB/dec. In this case, the phase plot is having phase angle of 0 degrees up to $omega = frac{1}{tau}$ rad/sec and from here, it is having phase angle of 900. This Bode plot is called the asymptotic Bode plot.

As the magnitude and the phase plots are represented with straight lines, the Exact Bode plots resemble the asymptotic Bode plots. The only difference is that the Exact Bode plots will have simple curves instead of straight lines.

Similarly, you can draw the Bode plots for other terms of the open loop transfer function which are given in the table.

There is another structure...

...a simpler, more flexible storytelling structure...

...made up of 10 simple phases that take your character through a complete emotional journey.

It does have a few plot points, but they're more open than the plot points you find in three-act structure or in the Hero's Journey.

This story structure allows you to draw a simple map of your story...that doubles as a map of your character's emotional journey.

(That's my favorite thing about it.)

It doesn't get as much attention as three-act structure or the Hero's Journey...in fact, it's often overlooked by writers.


I'm not sure, but I have a theory.

W Plot Diagram Worksheet

Because when I first tried this story structure, I made a mistake.

A mistake that ruined my story.

W Plot Diagram

There are a couple different ways to interpret this structure...and the most common ones encourage you to fall into bad storytelling habits.

Like easing off on your story's conflicts.

Or forgetting to raise the stakes.

It took a lot of experimenting for me to see why this structure wasn't working for me...

...but once I discovered the right way to use it, I fell in love with it.

It's so powerful in the way that it sets up each phase of your character's struggle.

W Plot Diagram 5th

But it's so flexible, it makes brainstorming a joy.

I'm going to show you how it works in...