Quotes About Home

Did you know that 84 percent of Americans believe home ownership is a great financial investment?

“Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” – Robert Frost 20. “A house is made of brick and mortar, but home is made by the people who live there.” – M.

  • Instead, these quotes define home as a place where you always belong. A place to unwind. A safe harbor in tumultuous seas.
  • While this may seem a bit scary, buying your first home should be an exciting time — in a bust-out-the-champagne sort of way, not a bust-out-the-Xanax kind of way. If you’re in the market for your first house but feel overwhelmed, these nine quotes will give you the confidence you need to get back out there and find “the one.”.
  • My favorite definition is 'a safe place,' a place where one is free from attack, a place where one experiences secure relationships and affirmation. It's a place where people share and understand each other.

Affordability remains a concern for many aspiring homeowners. Yet owning your own home continues to be a source of pleasure and pride among Americans.

The home is an important place in any family’s imagination. The experience of home ownership is like no other.

Have you and someone you know recently moved into a new home?

Here are 10 timeless quotes that sum up what it means to own your own home. Let’s take look!

1. “To Every Bird, Its Own Nest is Beautiful”

This phrase is originally a French quote, it goes “A chaque oiseau, son nid est beau”. Even if you don’t understand it, it sounds wonderful in the classy French language.

You can never find a home that everyone else loves as much as you do. So why try to please everyone?

Home ownership is about finding a place you want to live with your family. Who cares what everyone else thinks if you find it beautiful.

2. “Home is Where the Heart is”

This is one of the most popular homeownership quotes. The phrase goes back as early as the 17th century.

However, there are disagreements about who originally said it. Some people that Joseph Nea published the phrase in an 1847 work. However, others suggest the English jurist Edward Coke was the originator of the term.

Whoever invented the beautiful phrase about homeownership understood that a home is defined by the people who live there.

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3. “My House is my Castle”

Here’s another French quote about homeownership. The original is “Ma Maison est mon Chateau”.

The quote normally continues with “…and each man’s home is his safest refuge”. Of course, nowadays, you could also replace “man” with “woman”.

The quote is related to the law that you can carry out an action in your home to protect yourself.

4. “Mi Casa es su Casa”

This quote also works in English which is “my house is your home”. However, everyone knows the phrase has Spanish origins.

If you want to make someone feel at home in your home, this is a short and sweet quote.

The story is that when the Spanish conquistadors conquered Mexico.

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The Spanish arrived in the palace of the Moctezuma. He Aztec emperor said to the Europeans that they can live here. It didn’t quite end that way though.

5. “Home, Sweet Home”

It’s amazing how such a short and simple quote speaks so accurately of what it means to be in your home.

The original quote is from a song from the opera called Clari. The opera was performed in London in 1823.

However, the lyrics of the song were actually written by an American called John Howard Payne. The song famously became the anthem for American Civil War soldiers.

6. “There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”

The female English-author wrote a number of books, such as Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. She certainly had a way with words.

This beautiful quote about the comfort of spending time at home is from her 1815 novel called Emma. Over 200 years ago, the value of the home has not changed.

Find out more info about homeownership here.

7. “The Strength of a Nation Derives from the Integrity of the Home”

This quote about the home comes from the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucious.

This reflects the truth that the health and strength of every country is only the sum of what happens in each and every home across the nation.

8. “Real estate is… the safest investment in the world.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt won the Second World War for the Allies.

He certainly knew a thing or two. After all, he became the longest serving President of the United States. You don’t achieve that without some special knowledge.

If you want investment advice from one of the greatest Americans in history, check this out from FDR.

9. “He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.”

The German romantic writer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a romantic about pretty much everything. Why would home ownership be any different?

Goethe recognized that it doesn’t matter if your home is a tiny apartment or a country manor house. What matters is that you can find peace in your own home.

10. “People usually are the happiest at home.”

The actor, Owen Wilson famously repeated this quote. He claimed it was by none other than the greatest writer in the English language William Shakespeare.

Except, this isn’t actually Shakespeare. But the old Bill did say, “When I was at home I was in a better place.”

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But Wilson didn’t make it up himself either. It’s just another mystery of the internet. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that the quote speaks the truth about being at home and happiness.

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Sometimes, we travel the world looking for happiness. Only to discover it was to be found at home all along.

11. “Love Makes a House a Home”


Although there have been many adaptations of the same quote.

Everyone may have different answers to the question “what makes a house a home?”. Is it family? Is it a television?

Whatever makes the house a home, this reflects how when we first purchase a house, it’s not our home until we add something else.

12. “No Place Like Home”

Keep repeating this one over and over again. This one probably takes you back to your childhood. In “The Wizard of Oz”, the young girl Dorothy has to speak these words to get home.


We’ve all experienced getting lost. All we want to is go home.

Quotes About Home Ownership

Now you know the top quotes about home ownership around.

Are you searching for inspiration to buy your first home? Or are you just looking for a reminder of how much you appreciate your home?

If you want more articles like this one, check our other blogs for other lists of quotes about everything subject under the sun.